Nnnnational geographic channel special the gospel of judas books

Gospel of judas on national geographic channel traces the story of this important biblical document from its archaeological discovery and authentication process, through to its implications for christian belief. Amid much publicity last year, the national geographic society announced that a lost 3rdcentury religious text had been found, the gospel of judas iscariot. It was all part of very well orchestrated publicity campaign for a series of books and documentaries produced by the national geographic society. In recent months, the news media have focused intensively on the discovery of the socalled lost gospel the gospel of judas. The gospel of judas was discovered in the 1970s in an egyptian cave. It portrays judas as a favored disciple who was given special knowledge by jesus and who turned him. The gospel of judas caused a huge stir when national geographic. Gospel of judas national geographic tv shows, specials. The only known surviving copy of the gospel was found in a codex, or ancient book. The gospel of judas 2005 starring peter coyote on dvd and bluray. I was one of a small team of scholars assembled by the national geographic.

Gospel of judas on national geographic channel national geographic explores the people, places and events of our world. It was mystical religion based on the faith that salvation comes from within, from knowing oneself and coming in touch with the sparkle of god and light that is born a whole new perspective about the origins. The coptic, or egyptian christian, manuscripts were unveiled today at national geographic society headquarters in washington, d. Lions documentary lions vs buffalo wildlife animals attack nationalgeographic channel. The only copy of it known to exist is a coptic language text that has been carbon dated to 280 ad, plus or minus 60. Knowing that judas was reflecting upon something that was exalted, jesus said. Buy online, pick up in store is currently unavailable, but this item may be available for instore purchase. The gospel of judas is simply a heretical forgery, much the same as the gospel of thomas, the gospel of mary, and the gospel of philip.

Thursday april 6, 2006, the national geographic society held a press conference at its washington dc headquarters and announced to some 120 news media the recovery, restoration, and translation of the gospel of judas. An ad for the judas special says, the gospel of judas is an exclusive, twohour global television event that traces the incredible story of one of the most important finds in biblical archaeology. The truth about the gospel of judas sermon by roger thomas. The gospel of judas turns judas act of betrayal into an act of obedience, craig evans, a new testament scholar at acadia divinity college, said in a national geographic statement on the find. The gospel of judas book by national geographic society.

The gospel of judas gives a different view of the relationship between jesus and judas, offering new insights into the disciple who betrayed jesus. To view this site, you need to have javascript enabled in your browser, and either the flash plugin or an html5video enabled browser. Questions arise about scholars who collaborated in. Unfortunately, the special was below standard in its scholarly representation of both sides of the argument on the validity of the new testament gospels as well as the gospel of judas. Promotion of the national geographic program and book ignores. The gospel advances a gnostic cosmology and portrays judas in a positive light as the only apostle who fully understands jesus teachings although lost for centuries, the gospel of judas was known to have existed because it was mentioned by st. National geographic documentary collection youtube. In 2006, national geographic released the first english translation of the gospel of judas, a secondcentury text discovered in egypt in the 1970s. National geographic, who sponsored the translating of this work proclaimed. Npr coverage of the gospel of judas by national geographic society, rodolphe kasser, marvin meyer, gregor wurst, and bart d.

Just as judas iscariot rejected jesus and betrayed him with a kiss, the gospel of judas rejects the true gospel and truth of god with a fraudulent appearance of validity. In the spring of 2006, headlines appeared across the world announcing that a new gospel had been foundthe gospel of judas. A foundation in switzerland eventually purchased the codex to release its content. The gospel of judas is a gnostic text of the late second or third. An excellent documentary about the gnostic gospel of judas iscariot. The gospel of judas by national geographic society. Along with a magazine article, the society is publishing two books on the gospel of judas, and the national geographic tv channel will be running a special twohour documentary on the manuscript on sunday 9 april. It rivals the finding of the dead sea scrolls or the gnostic gospels of nag hammadi. Until recently, no institutions were willing to pay the exorbitant fee to get the manuscript due to its dubious origin. The translation caused a sensation because it seemed to overturn the popular image of judas the betrayer and instead presented a benevolent judas who was a friend of jesus. How does the gospel of judas mesh with lds beliefs. In ancient document, judas, minus the betrayal the new.

Together with the letter of peter to phillip, james, and a book of allogenes from codex tchacos. The gospel of john says that he told judas to go out and do what he had to do, which jesus knew was to betray him. The story appeared as headline news in dozens of major newspapers around the world and was the topic of. Truth behind gospel of judas revealed in ancient inks. In 2007, the national geographic society published the critical edition of the manuscript. Wright was pretty shocked at the attention it was getting and the publicity as a new view judas one where jesus secretly asks judas to betray him and then jesus mocks the lack of understanding of the other disciples. The content consists of conversations between jesus.

The gospel of judas is part of an ancient coptic egyptian codex which dates from around the third century ad. The lost gospel of judas iscariot internet archive. The gospel of judas tells of judass role in the death betrayal of jesus and his place in the heart and mind of the christian savior. This past thursday, april 6th, the national geographic society published an english translation of an ancient gnostic text called the gospel of judas, and then followed this up with a television special that aired the following sunday, april 9th a carefully planned marketing ploy, it was certainly no accident that the national geographic society chose to air their television program. A longlost gospel that casts judas as a coconspirator of jesus, rather than a betrayer, was ruled most likely authentic in 2006. This was written back when the gospel of judas was making headlines and all of the books and tv shows about it were coming out.

The content consists of conversations between jesus and judas iscariot. The gospel of judas this translation is by david brakke and is intended only for the use of his students. The gospel of judas, a second century gnostic gospel, was discovered in the twentieth. Although discovered in the 1970s, the portion called the gospel of judas has only recently been restored and translated by scholars the completion of the restoration and translation was announced by the national geographic society at a news. Now, scientists reveal they couldnt have made the call without a. Gospel of judas the theological implications of this important biblical document are explored by scholars and scientists. Opinion what the gospel of judas really says the new. After four years of restoration and translation, the gospel of judas was revealed in a muchhyped national geographic channel special on palm sunday, april 9, 2006. When the bound papyrus pages of this lost gospel finally reached scholars who could unlock its meaning, they were astounded. One of the most significant discoveries of the twentieth century is revealed in this film. The anunnaki cannot be fully understood until you know this extraordinary information duration. Now a new gospel has been unveiled by the national geographic. The gospel reported an interesting twist on the events surrounding the crucifixion of jesus of nazareth. The gospel of judas tells a far different tale from the four gospels in the new testament.

Gospel of judas, apocryphal christian scripture from the 2nd century ad attributed to the apostle judas iscariot. There is much conversation between jesus and judas with the resulting reactions of the other disciples to the apparent special admiration jesus held for judas, at least according to this gospel. The only copy of it known to exist is a coptic language text that has been carbon dated to 280 ad. Hidden for 1700 years, the gospel of judas now offers a surprising. The gospel of judas, a fragile clutch of a leatherbound papyrus thought to have been inscribed in about ad300, was unveiled yesterday in washington by the national geographic society, and it. After being lost for nearly 1,700 years, the gospel of judas was recently restored, authenticated, and translated. Contents 33 the hidden discourse of the pronouncement in which jesus spoke with judas iscariot for eight days, three days before he celebrated passover. Subsequent studies, however, questioned this interpretation of. The gospel of judas was never recognized by the church as being inspired. The gospel of judas national geographic channel asia. A fourthcentury coptic translation of the gospel of judas, which is a secondcentury gospel first mentioned by irenaeus of lyons, was recovered in 2006 and published initially under the auspices of the national geographic society as a gospel that exonerated judas and saw him as a gnostic hero and soul mate of jesus. For now, the gospel of judas will be the center of attention in a television show, magazine article, two books and an exhibition by national geographic. I saw this documentary on australian pay tv about 10 years ago.

The gospel of judas national geographic by danny wilten. Questions have arisen about the group of scholars who collaborated with national geographic in its recent t. The tv special aired last sunday palm sunday 2006 on the national geographic channel. Andre gagne, a critical note on the meaning of apophasis in gospel of judas 33. On april 9, national geographic aired the special on the gospel of judas. If you missed the april 9 th airing, don t worry, the national geographic channel has many reruns scheduled. Ehrman, a featured commentator in the national geographic special, describes how he first saw the gospel of judassurprisingly, in a small room above a pizza parlor in a swiss town near lake genevaand he recounts the fascinating story of where and how this ancient papyrus document was discovered, how it moved around among antiquities dealers. The gospel of judas is as gnostic text, one of the many that were lost in the sands of egypt. It has been the cover story of time and newsweek magazines, and most recently, national geographic released a documentary about it. The gospel of judas available in dvd ship this item this item is available online through marketplace sellers.